Friday, 1 April 2011

Janey Loves - haymax for hayfever

D H (darling husband) got hayfever for the first time last year, its weird how it can hit you at any time, just different pollens I guess but I really saw up close how debilitating it can be, I have friends who take 3 weeks off work every year its so bad ! Help is at hand in a one hundred per cent natural way - hurrah for Haymax

Haymax is a brilliant barrier balm and you literally apply it to your nostrils to stop the pollen entering.acts as a trap – or a blocker.

If applied to the bottom of the nose traps some of the pollen before it enters the body less pollen in the body, there’s less for the body to react against. Less pollen – Less sneezing

Lots of trials done and great results

Its Drug- free, Organic, and Natural with NO drowsy side effects. (Shouldn’t drive or operate machinery whilst taking anti-histamines - no problem with HayMax)

It’s suitable for Pregnant, and breast feeding women, and blokes - everyone really!

Kids - Hay fever causes a drop of 1 grade in exams, and (drowsy) anti histamines also cause a drop of one grade in exams!

3 types to choose from, pure, lavender or aloe vera, all have the same pollen blocking properties.

Choose smell they like best and/or the commonly accepted properties of the variety. HayMax Pure™ contains no essential oils. It’s perfect for those who don’t like the smell of Lavender or Frankincense, or who are particularly sensitive. Lavendar is – well lavender, very healing and therapeutic

Aloe Vera has no added fragrance and can soothes sore nose at the same time as it blocks the pollen.

It’s the brainwave of Max as in Haymax who suffered from hayfever for years till he found this wonder solution – available in lots of high street chemists, some supermarkets and at -